Friday, May 22, 2009

it's been a while

a couple months since i last wrote, and a lot has happened.

i took a trip to georgia! you can't get much deeper south than that. after taking a red-eye and a little nap, i met d.j.'s family and got to see some of atlanta. it was great. i felt really welcome and had a great time. but the MOST IMPORTANT THING: i went to a Waffle House. finally. : )

spring quarter is over and my summer class has started. i took a road trip with my friend anthony to seattle between the two. nine...teen...hours of driving to get there. it was great to see the fam, even if it was only three days. i managed to shove a bed frame, headboard and a nightstand in the back of my subaru, and took it all back to greeley. needless to say, there ain't much to do while driving on the same highway for 700 miles, and we ended up taking pictures of the creases of our elbows that looked like butts and sending them to people. hilarious (when you have nothing better to do).

i'm loving my directing class, and LTR starts MONDAY! i can't wait to be part of a show again. although i'm pretty busy this summer, i feel like i have some purpose in my life, instead of just sitting around aimlessly. which is nice, too... LOVE.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


it's a little sad how much i want summer to arrive. warm weather, barbecues, camping, swimming... how immature, right?

that said, this year has gone so fast. i can't believe that it's Easter tomorrow. before i know it we'll be done with classes and starting LTR. it's amazing.

i'm sad i can't have an Easter egg hunt with my family this year. i'm 21 years old and we still have one EVERY YEAR. it's one of the things that i miss about family holidays. guess i'll just have to settle for a picnic in the park with close friends. : )

dinners ready, gotsta go! LOVE.

Friday, March 13, 2009


just found out today. I'VE FINALLY BEEN CAST IN A SHOOOOOW! a smaller part, albeit, but i'm just happy to finally be cast. i can't wait.

i leave for home tomorrow. i'm excited to see my family and everything, but as far as spring breaks go, i'm not sure how much fun i'll have. i guess we'll find out.

i should be packing right now, so i'm gonna cut this post short. i'll probably blog a little this week. 'til then, LOVE.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

deary me

it's official.

my nephew has been adopted. and i am pissed.

he's three years old. i love him. granted, my sister may not be the best candidate for motherhood, but this was a totally selfish move. instead of sticking with it and trying to do her best, she basically gave up. i know, i know; i don't know anything about being a mom or trying to take care of a child, but i do know one thing. i could NEVER do what she did, it would rip me apart. so now, i'm stuck with negative feelings towards my sister and a desperate feeling of helplessness, because my nephew is gone. what would have been nice is if i had some idea of what was to come, because i would have spent as much time as possible with him before i left again for school. gah, what to do...

the above situation has been influencing my mood lately, as much as i try to block it out. i have lots to do, such as finding a job, writing essays for scholarships, and doing classwork, but concentrating has been hard. it's like a giant, black cloud over my head all the time.

MOVING ON. the house my friends and i had been planning on moving into was foreclosed. yay. however, they went to look at another house today that will be a great replacement. i have yet to see it, but i'm sure it'll do.

auditions for LTR are fast approaching, and i'm really hoping to be cast. this whole rejection thing is getting old. mostly because i know i deserve a part, and not getting even a little one is not working for me. i'll do my bestest.

enough gabbing for today. i'll be back soon. LOVE.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

this just in...


my friend kelsey called today to offer me a room in this cute little house about a block away from where i currently live. we just went to look at it, and it's perfect. and did i mention cheap? 300 a month for rent is pretty darn good. not to mention with a group of people i love. next year is already looking good.

i have a boyfriend named d.j. ... i haven't mentioned him in my blog before, but i figured i should for anyone who reads this (which i understand is very few people). he's a senior M.T. major who is SUPREMELY talented, sweet, handsome, and he truly cares about me. and vice versa. we'll see how the rest of the year works out, but i will have a hard time when he moves to new york to become rich and famous and leaves me to wallow in greeley. : ) ok, i won't wallow, but i WILL be sad. hopefully, we can be cast in a show or something this summer.

i need to find an E.N.T. here. i'm still not better. what is this crap?!

i have a weight-loss goal. i want to be a size 4 by this summer. i think that's safe and reasonable, but i just need to be motivated. i've been to the gym almost every day since i've been back, so i think i'm headed in the right direction. is it too much to ask to feel good while wearing shorts?

i can't wait for the summer. the snow is pretty and it's fun to be bundled up, but seriously... i just want some heat. it's always cold in my room and i can't seem to get warm during the day. this poses a problem for someone trying to get over an illness. it's driving me crazy...

anyways, it's been a pretty good day. more later. LOVE.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

what's this?

two days in a row of blogging?? MIRACLE OF MIRACLES.

how is everyone on this fine saturday afternoon? personally, i am very happy it's the weekend, which is a little sad after only 2 weeks of school. i plan on searching a little more for jobs, going to the gym, studying the international phonetic alphabet, and enjoying the sunshine. it's cold here, but the sun is out almost constantly during the day. i was told to expect more snow, and i'm very excited for the delivery of some new snow boots that will keep my feet toasty warm. let's hope they arrive before the snow does...

i still can't hear more than 50% out of my left ear, which the ENT man said was a side effect of my sinus infection. yes, 4 months after coming down with a bug of some sort, and i'm still getting over it. i just want to be healthy again. being sick for that long is pretty tiresome.

as much as i love keeping up with my family, the situation with my nephew is eating me up right now. i love this little boy. the fact that i could see him EVERY DAY over the break made my days brighter, and the thought that he might be a part of another family soon just makes me sick. my mom put him on the phone when i called earlier this week, and it took everything i had not to bawl my eyes out. this is definitely a tough situation, for all of us. i think i'll try praying about it.

it is truly amazing that i'm writing today, but i'll try to keep it up as best as i can. miss you all. LOVE.

Friday, January 23, 2009

little homesick?

yeah, i guess i am... i've been back in greeley for about 2 weeks now, and i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss home a little. it was so nice being back. i'm not sure when i'll be home again, which is a little scary.

apologies for the hiatus. i'm the worst.

WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT! the feeling in the air on the 20th was different in a way, like people knew great changes were coming and it affected their moods. the weather here corresponded, with temperatures hovering somewhere around 70 degrees. and yet, today it snowed. curious...

i'm on a quest. an epic journey to find the most elusive and mysterious of possessions: a job. when you think about it, what's really so hard about finding one? i haven't been able to find many opportunities here, which is really discouraging. my dream is to find a family who needs childcare and a housekeeper on a regular basis. however, my search isn't going very well. hopefully my luck will change soon, because... i have no money.

classes are going well. nothing too stressful or taxing, which will be a nice change from last semester's western civ. i'm really looking forward to the summer, hopefully getting cast in a show, taking more classes and (maybe?) having a real job. it won't be much of a "summer", but i'm really trying to get outta here as soon as possible. LET LIFE BEGIIIIIIN!

i miss all of you. i'll try my best to update this sorry excuse for a blog more often. LOVE.