Thursday, October 30, 2008

beautiful day

It was a seriously beautiful day today. I think the high was 80 degrees. I woke up, and decided to eat breakfast by myself. So, I walked across the street to a cute little place and sat by myself and read something for class. It was very nice. When I was about to get up and go, this group of little old men came in and all sat together and ate breakfast. I wanted to go up and just say, "How are you all today? It's beautiful outside. Yes, I would love to play bridge with you all on Sundays." : ) I would have, but I chickened out at the last second. I couldn't stop smiling about it on my way home.

I think it's time for those pictures I promised you. Let's see.

Our bear mascot. Past him, you can see West Campus.
Gunter Hall, just a really cool building.
Pretty trees and... a street. : )
17th Street, where my house is.

My house! You can kind of see our Halloween decorations.

Frasier Hall, the theater building.
That's all I have for now. There WILL be more. LOVE.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i know, i know

I missed a day of blogging, but for good reason. I had my western civ. final yesterday, and most of my time was taken up worrying about it. It was a lot less scary than I thought it would be, and I think I did a pretty good job. We'll be finding out soon.

My first class was cancelled today, so I walked almost a mile for no good reason. But, exercise is exercise, and I can use that. I've been going to the gym every day for a while now, and I feel a lot better now that I have a little routine to follow.

My one-act is going well. I love the cast and my director, and it's going to turn out well, I think. I'm just excited to be involved.

I took some pictures of the campus yesterday on my way to class. It was a beautiful day, and they turned out pretty well. I'll post them soon. I just wish you all (from home) could see it here in person. : )

Until next time, I miss you and will talk to you soon. LOVE.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

end of the weekend

other than being preoccupied with studying this weekend, i had a pretty good one. yesterday, i went to a farmer's market with a couple of friends. i bought a pumpkin to carve, and that made me feel a little closer to home. i did a couple hours worth of studying, and then went and saw RHPS with live performers on campus. CRAZY. i was happy to go home and sleep. today, more studying and i went to see high school musical 3. it put me in such a good mood. it's amazing what a disney movie can do for your spirit.

i've figured out how to get pictures onto my laptop (finally), so once i have some pictures i'll be posting them. this week is going to be a little crazy, and then it's HALLOWEEEEEEN! i'm excited for it, and i've got some good costume ideas. i'll let you know how midterms go. : /


Saturday, October 25, 2008

dixie chicks

I love the Dixie Chicks.  They're great.  I just remembered how much I like them.

Can't wait to see High School Musical 3.  Silly, but I am REALLY excited.  Chowch, I wish you were here to see it with me! 

Have midterms on Monday, and I just want Tuesday to get here so I can stop worrying about them.  I have multiple study sessions this weekend.  Wish me luck!

I know this was short, but I want to make a point to update this every day.  I want to keep in touch with everyone.  So, if I miss a day, feel free to be mad at me : ).


Friday, October 24, 2008

i know this is late, but...

I thought I should have a way to share, with EVERYONE in my life, what's going on in my life here in Greeley, Colorado. I've been here for.... a little over 2 months, and aside from some minor bumps and stuff, I love it. Everything about this place is great. The leaves are changing, it's getting cold and all I could ask for is more rain : ). Weird, right?

I have great friends here. My roommate Sarah is so fun, and we get along great even though we're so different. She's from Wyoming, and is a cowgirl through and through. Scott is another housemate, and he makes me laugh. Neither Sarah or Scott are in my program, so it's nice to get away from drama that may be happening. Kayla is a great girl who IS in my program, and I'd say she's probably my closest friend in our class. That said, there are some drama kings and queens who shall go unnamed. I just try to stay away from it, and I know that will pay off in the long run. After all, I have to be with these people for the next couple of years, and it'll be better not to have enemies.

Classes are HARD. I have more homework than I anticipated, but I know I'm getting everything done. Midterms are upon us, and trying to keep everything straight is proving difficult. Right at this moment, I can think of a bunch of things that I should be doing instead of writing this blog, but NEVER FEAR, I'll get it all done. I hope. : )

Those of you who know me well may be aware that I like boys. I just do. This has been a source of distraction for me here, with so many new people to meet and learn about. That's what it is, a learning experience. I'm beginning to wonder if it's just an unnecessary thing to worry about. I'm letting things affect me that shouldn't. I mean, I've got an education to get, here. I'm thinking that learning more about myself is a better bet that worrying about if a guy likes me or not. Makes sense, right? We'll see what happens.

I fully realize that last paragraph was cryptic. Sorry.

I'm going to try and post some pictures of Colorado soon, just because I think it's worth seeing. IT'S BEAUTIFUL, PEOPLE. I don't think you understand. Gorgeous.

The whole point of this blog is to say that I'm happy. Happier than I've been in a while. It was time for me to go away. But, I miss everyone at home and can't wait to come home at Christmas to see you all. LOVE.